
Existing Members

New Members

Familiarize yourself with our Bylaws – Latest version

Planning an event at Masjid? Please complete Facility Use Form at least a week before your event and notify a board member – Click Here

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Financials - 2023

Q1 2023 – Click here

Q2 2023 – Click here

Q3 2023 – Click here

Q4 2023 – Click here


Visiting our Masjid?

Our masjid is open 24 x 7. If you are a visitor, kindly scan the QR code at the door to receive access code information to access the masjid.

If you are part of Jamaat and would like to visit our masjid, we request to submit this form at least a week in advance, so that we could host you in a better way.

ISCI - Copyright 2024.